In honour of all the ladies

In honour of all the ladies

Today we celebrate International Womens Day, so naturally,
we want to introduce you all to a few of the very special women who generally fly under the radar,
though make up a big part of our team here at ROWIE.
We feel incredibly blessed to work alongside these inspiring,
accomplished ladies and are excited to share a snippet of their knowledge with the many other unique women on this journey with us – you!
Meet Libby, our Pattern Maker & Production Manager.
She makes sure Rowie’s vision for a garment comes to life
What is your International Womans Day mantra? (eg. “give a woman the right outfit and she can conquer the world’) Raise a woman and she raises those around her.
Who is the most inspiring woman in your life? Honestly, Rowie! Her compassion, and genuinely calm nature are such a pleasure to be around.
How do you manage to stay true to yourself as a woman in the ever changing fashion industry? I’ve worked in fashion around 15 years, so over that time, I’ve worked out where not to go, as far as trends. I’ve never really been trend driven any way.
Tell us one thing that seems to give you all of the confidence in the world? Knowing I have the support of my partner in whatever I do. Without him I would not have the opportunity to say yes to my passions.
If you could give your younger self one piece of advice, what would it be? Be confident with your abilities.
What’s something you would do to lift another up? Send a message of support, just saying to someone that you notice their wins, or their losses.
Do you have a favourite quality that makes you, uniquely you? Genuinely fascinated with humanity. So many varied ways one can live their life.
You are surrounded by many other women in your workplace. What has been your favourite thing about working alongside them? Women are incredible when working together, empathy, intuition & understanding are great workplace skills.
Meet Katie, our Stock Manager!
She ensures the Boutique is stocked, Warehouse is organised & that Graham (our DHL delivery man) doesn’t have to lift all the deliveries up the stairs himself.
What is your International Womans Day mantra? (eg. “give a women the right outfit and she can conquer the world’) I love these two mantras ‘A strong woman looks a challenge in the eye and gives it a wink’ and ‘Don’t ignore your own potential.’
Who is the most inspiring woman in your life? My mum is the most inspiring woman I know, she is such a brave soul and she always motivates me to do my best. She is also my strongest support.
How do you manage to stay true to yourself as a woman in the ever changing fashion industry? I think in the fashion industry it important to be confident with who you are, be kind, be real and stay authentic. And remembering that there is only one of me in the entire universe so what I have to offer is important.
Tell us one thing that seems to give you all of the confidence in the world? My close friends, they always believe in me and remind me to dream big!
If you could give your younger self one piece of advice, what would it be? ‘Give yourself a little grace’
What’s something you would do to lift another up? Firstly, always showing her that she is cared for and supported.
Do you have a favourite quality that makes you, uniquely you? I think my favourite quality about myself would be my creativity and my resilience.
You are surrounded by many other women in your workplace. What has been your favourite thing about working alongside them? I love all the support I receive from the team here at ROWIE. I always feel their authenticity and their love.
Meet Raphy, our Boutique Manager!
She ensures your boutique experience is as bright as the love that radiates from her smile.
What is your International Womans Day mantra? (eg. “give a women the right outfit and she can conquer the world’) You can’t fake feel good. When a woman shines from within , everything blossoms from there.
Who is the most inspiring woman in your life? I am constantly inspired by all the women in my life. It’s hard to just pick one. Every single day a woman special to me makes my heart burst and go, “wow, you are amazing !
How do you manage to stay true to yourself as a woman in the ever changing fashion industry? Remain simple and keep it effortless is key for me. To find true beauty in the ethical nature of fabrics and design.
Tell us one thing that seems to give you all of the confidence in the world? When my day begins with the rising sun and I remember we have a choice how we wish to live each moment. Then I’m on fire!
If you could give your younger self one piece of advice, what would it be? Speak only kind words to yourself.
What’s something you would do to lift another up? Listen to them. Give them big hugs! Take them on a beautiful walk in nature , followed by a swim, talking about how truly beautiful the world is.
Do you have a favourite quality that makes you, uniquely you? Hmmm, still working that one out.
You are surrounded by many other women in your workplace. What has been your favourite thing about working alongside them? Everyday I get to work in a team of the most beautiful, talented, inspiring, kind hearted women that I get to call my dear friends. My family. How truly blessed is that !
Meet Kat, one of our Boutique Assistants!
She will always be sure you leave the boutique with a smile from her wicked sense of humour.
What is your International Womans Day mantra? (eg. “give a women the right outfit and she can conquer the world’) Your body, Your landscape, Your story. and Always dress like you’re the life of the party!
Who is the most inspiring woman in your life? My recently passed Nona, my mumma, my sisters and my incredible friends. Also Rowie herself, her kind, calm, generous and thoughtful nature and her ethics in business is truly inspiring.
How do you manage to stay true to yourself as a woman in the ever changing fashion industry? I just stick to what I feel good in and if I feel good in it then I’m staying true to myself
Tell us one thing that seems to give you all of the confidence in the world? If I can be myself then I am being genuine and hopefully people can see that, that gives me confidence and to be ok with knowing not everyone is going to like you all the time and thats cool too. The days I’m feeling less confident I like to wear my weathered leather jacket, it’s like a trusty best friend and super power cape.
If you could give your younger self one piece of advice, what would it be? Everything is as it should be, you will learn from the tough times to be grateful for the good. trust yourself, you will know if it flows and tell your insecurities they weren’t invited to the party. Wear all the things you don’t have confidence in wearing because in 10 years time you’ll be wearing it anyway!
What’s something you would do to lift another up? Write them secret love letters.
Do you have a favourite quality that makes you, uniquely you? Knowing that I am capable of anything I put my mind and heart to.
You are surrounded by many other women in your workplace. What has been your favourite thing about working alongside them? Oh these women are INCREDIBLE! The way we support each other, congratulate each others achievements and create a loving sisterhood are our beautiful qualities. A real testament to Rowie herself!
As a team who operate on equal levels, characterised by support,
friendship, mindfulness, professionalism and trust,
we want to show women and girls everywhere that they can do whatever they set their minds to.
Love to you all,
the ROWIE Team
| Libby wears the Piper Maxi Natural |
| Katie wears the Sandy Crop Bone & Winston Shorts Almond |
| Raphy wears the Pania Midi Cantaloupe |
| Kat wears the Nicoletta Midi Noir |
Words & Images by Kirsty Cane.



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